Selasa, 11 September 2012

Rotating parts in Proteus 8

Proteus 8 has a nice feature that it allows the shortcut keys to be customized according to your need. Proteus 8 uses + and - shortcut key for rotating parts/ components. But often you want another key such as "R" to use. So if you don't like some keyboard shortcut key you can change to any key in Proteus 8. This is a short tutorial that shows how to set the shortcut keys for rotating and can be applied to any other.

The steps are simple. Go to System menu and then select Set Keyword Mapping as shown-

This will bring up a a Edit Keyboard Map window that allows all the various shortcut key to be changed according to your preferences. Under the Command Groups, select Schematic Window Miscellaneous Command. Then under Available Commands select Rotate Clockwise and type in "R" in the Key sequence for selected command. Click Assign and finish up by clicking OK button. This is as shown-

Thats it. Now we can rotate the part by just clicking "R".

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