Download Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications, 2nd edition authored by Kevin McClaning for free. This eBook written for design engineers contains lot of wireless design example and exercises.
There are many RF books on wireless communication and books on electronics such as the art of electronics that provide theories and little exercises on real world RF circuit design. There are also books dedicated very deep on the operation principle of RF communication system components such as RF LNA, RF mixers and so on. Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communication touches each essential RF parts and radio propagation with little theoretical description and more exercises and example.
This approach of writing the book was done for RF design engineers and other moderate experienced students, engineers to quickly go through the design aspect of RF and microwave receivers. It is like a handbook with lots of calculation and design example.
Some examples of calculation exercises and example is like the conversion of dBm to watt and vice versa, transmission lines, impedance matching, S-parameter in the RF basic chapter, mixer in cascade calculation in mixer design, single and double ended mixer exercises and the merits and demerits of each of them. Topics covered are- signal,noise, modulation, propagation, antenna, filters, linearity, mixers, oscillators, cascade design etc.
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Also see Digital Electronics by Morris Mano

This approach of writing the book was done for RF design engineers and other moderate experienced students, engineers to quickly go through the design aspect of RF and microwave receivers. It is like a handbook with lots of calculation and design example.
Some examples of calculation exercises and example is like the conversion of dBm to watt and vice versa, transmission lines, impedance matching, S-parameter in the RF basic chapter, mixer in cascade calculation in mixer design, single and double ended mixer exercises and the merits and demerits of each of them. Topics covered are- signal,noise, modulation, propagation, antenna, filters, linearity, mixers, oscillators, cascade design etc.
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Also see Digital Electronics by Morris Mano
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